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Akatsuki-Ryu is a system of self defense and training derived from two traditional Karate styles; Shotokan and Goju-Ryu. The style incorporates traditional Karate training, and uses these as a basis to teach working self-defense and discipline whilst incorporating a few useful techniques from other Japanese martial arts.

The term 'Akatsuki' (Ah-Cats-Key) translates into English as 'Dawn', 'Red Moon' and 'Rogue'. This is why the name was chosen. Akatsuki-Ryu is the 'Rogue' martial art. It steps away from sport martial arts and its emphasis is on traditional Karate and defense that works.

In this modern day and age, you can never be too careful. Trouble could start at work, on a night out or even in your own back garden. Akatsuki-Ryu teaches defense for real scenarios and holds specialized seminars in such areas as  women's self-defense, kids defense (bully-proof) and CQC (close quarters) for defense in clubs, bars, alley wars or anywhere with limited movement.

Akatsuki-Ryu prides itself on being affordable and open to everyone of any race, gender or religion and we strive hard to be as accommodating as possible. As well as this, we also make sure that anyone with any form of disability is not turned away. We believe that karate is for everyone, and that's the way all martial arts should be.
We prefer to think of ourselves as a large family who look after one another, and make sure that everyone has a safe and enjoyable time with us.

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