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Meet the Instructors

On this page, you'll find information on our founder, co-founders and instructors from your region! This will list information such as their length of time training, highest rank attained and other martial arts they have studied as well as their position in the club. Please note that not all instructors are listed on this site, however from regional manager and above, you should be able to find them!

Senior Instructors

Kancho / Founder

Marcus Cook


Marcus has been studying karate since he was five years old, and was also known as one of Southampton's SDC (self-defense consultants) before founding Akatsuki-Ryu. Marcus' main focus is on self-defense training and conditioning. Training to deliver a hit and how to take one!


Highest Rank attained ; 3rd Dan Black Belt

Titles; GKRI world champion (2007-2010) 13-17AR, British team/team UK 2007

Other Martial arts? - Ninjutsu, Shaolin, Krav Maga, Kung-fu, Judo, Taekwondo
Favourite Weapon? - Ningato, Kusiri-gama, Kama

Shihan / Co-Founder

Nikki Standhaft


Nikki has been training in martial arts for around fifteen years (predominately karate) and has run several of her own classes in both Southampton and Bournemouth/Poole. Nikki is also disabled; she has broken her neck twice and had several operations on her Achilles tendon. A true testament to what can be achieved with hard word and determination!


Highest rank attained: 1st Dan Black Belt

Other martial arts? - Taekwondo, Krav Maga


Shihan / Co-Founder

Michael Mercer


Mike has been training in martial arts for a very long time first starting with Taekwondo, before becoming a student of both Marcus and Nikki whilst they were teaching in Southampton. Mikes main discipline is Taekwondo, however he also reached well into the senior grades in GKRI karate syllabus. As a result, Mike's weapon of choice are his kicks; deliver a debilitating blow every time.


Highest rank attained; Black Belt / Shodan-Ho

Other Martial arts? - Taekwondo


Head of Instructor Training

Owen Cook


Owen started training in karate at the age of five reaching his 1st dan black belt at age eighteen. Owens main focus in training is Kumite because he's a dab hand at it! He also likes to focus on Kihon (Focus) and believes that you should always have a good training session! Walk in, crawl out in his words!

Highest rank attained; 1st Dan Black Belt

Titles; GKRI Kumite World champion (2007-2010) AR10-12, British team/team UK 2007-2010

Other Martial arts? - Judo, Ninjutsu

Head of Administration

Jade Powell


Jade has been with the club from the very beginning and has a vast array of experience in administration. Jade is also trained and up to date with GDPR regulations. She also answers your emails!

Jade is responsible for ordering of stock, keeping student records up to date, and keeping all of our clubs data secure! Her role is to check up on the regional administration assistants and make sure that all paperwork is completed properly and entered into our system. That's a lot of work for one person!

Jade has been a credit to the club and makes sure that we are covered legally to train you and keeps us all in line!

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